So I'm sitting in the bay window yesterday watching the world go by. Its half way through the day and these people walk past, with their beloved canine companions in tow. FOR REAL? I think every human should be made to wear a heavy wool coat with at least two layers under that, no shoes on and water available at the whim of someone else! In the middle of the day.

We love you guys, we really do. we love to play, we really love going out. We dont like to got to the vet, and you dont like it either. Veterinary care is not available on the NHS. But taking us out in the hottest summer in two generations is going to hurt us all.

To make matters worse, we dont sweat from our armpits or foreheads. We have limited means to regulate our body temperatures, so come on folks THINK before you take us out. You could get a cooling vest for your dog. Click on the image to find out more. personally I love mine and it makes a huge difference.

Its much more fun being out at beginning or the end of the day when it still warm, but decidely cooler. We do need to go out, so here are a few tips in this remarkably warm weather.

Keep the water bowl topped up. Even when we stay indoors, we cannot remove that coat. It still gets hot for us. So we need to drink much more
Dont leave us outdoors. When there is a kennel or a shelter, it still gets unbearably hot and they arent insulated like a house. Water kept outside will also evaporate really quickly. So if youre going to put us out for a quick comfort break, watch that clock, we cant hack it in the midday heat.
DOGS DIE IN HOT CARS. Dont take us in the car unless you really have to. Even with the windows left wide open, It gets very hot in the car. There are some portable air conditioners that you can get that run off the battery while the car is swiched off and you can find out more about it here, but they dont fit all cars and its a cheaper option to leave us at home.

Light coloured dogs often have bare skin on the ears and noses. Yes, you do get sunscreen for dogs and this really makes a difference for them. Try it out, especially if youre going for an extended break on the beach.
We love swimming and its great exercise especially in the but please remeber swimming in fresh water is very different to swimming in the sea. if we ingest too much salt water it can lead to dehydration and death too. Dogs can also drown, so never leave us alone when we are in the water.
Dogs get hayfever. Yep, if you didnt know it before, you do know now. Up to a third of dogs suffer allergies, so be aware that not only the heat but the other vagaries of summer will hurt us too.
If your best friend is panting heavily and salivating much more than usual, accompanie by a bot of disorientation and possibly struggling to walk around, then get them to a vet super quick. They have heat stroke and could die. Dont waste time and ask what ifs - go directly to the vet.
Our faithful humans know that if we are looked after , we provide unconditional love for life. We will chew up unwanted shoes, biodegrade the dinner scraps for you and keep the home safe and secure. All we aask in this ridiculously hot weather is to keep us safe and cool.

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