
They say its a dogs life, but have you ever really wondered about what lifetyle for the furries in your life really means.  It could mean a lot of things to different people, however in my blog it covers all sorts of things such as exercise, opportunities, day adventures, holidays, dog friendly establishments. It also covers designing the home safely for your pooch and gardening sensibly so we dont get in over our heads. 

Dogs Skydiving and Scuba Diving
Then theres sports and recreation and of course education (You humans call it training - bleh!) Having lived at the top of a highrise block of flats and now living in the wide expanse of countryside, trust me I know about differences in lifestyle. that doesnt mean that there have to be massive differences in quality of life. Its about how you and your people put resources together to maximise your lifestyle. I will also cover extreme stuff like skydiving and water activities.

When Mum was ill she made sure that I had the GoDogGo in the hallway working to keep me fit for the long outdoors walks I was missing. That was lifestyle adaptation. When circumstances in life change you dont have to change the consitions entirely that you live under. Of course when Mum made the plunge to move to the countryside, although I was very nervous, I couldnt be more pleased.

This area of my blog will also cover lifestyle considerations such as choosing a dog walker, dog sitting and stays at dog hotels.

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